sailor's song'red sky at night, sailor's delight. red sky in morning, sailor's warning. a custom fabricated powder coated steel stand is included with this artwork. the powder coating on the steel is an iridescent lavender that mirrors color in the sun spots in the piece. 3 layers of glass plus the crushed glass sun spots and sun streaks..
moonscapesa custom stand has been designed for the moonscapes piece. it is being fabricated now. it will be a floor standing artwork when finished. there are five moons (from the top left clockwise): once in a blue moon, green cheese moon, harvest moon, strawberry moon and a blood moon shown in the center. |
once in a blue moon: 16 ⅛" - 4.81#
green cheese moon: 11 5/16" - 2.33# harvest moon: 13" - 3.22# strawberry moon: 10 ⅞ - 2.33# blood moon: 8" - 1.24# |
the X factorthis piece uses Richard Parrish's Tapestry technique - fabulous class! I designed the stand specifically to showcase the X pattern in this piece. the stand is reclaimed mahogany and yellow pine crafted by a master carpenter. it is included with the piece.
ole'!!ole! is a special piece ready for a celebration. guacamole, tostadas and of course tequila with lime resting on a celebratory plate. the guacamole, tostadas and tequila are created with a special type of pate de verre glass. the pate de verre pieces are life size for a tortilla and a shot glass with a lime slice.
changing wavesanother piece created with the thin pate de verre technique. there are three pieces that can be combined or separated, showing the pristine ocean and then the effect of tar on the water as it splashes. |
the bubble wrap was used when I was moving the pieces between locations yet given the objects washed up on our beaches right now, it seems somewhat apropos so I did not remove it from the photographs.